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Do you want tips on things to do during the summer holidays in Hemsedal? Here comes Hemsedal A to Z with many tips on cool things to do during summertime.
By: Katarina
5 min
Updated 24 March 2025

This summer's A - Z in Hemsedal

A as in «Active» Hemsedal Active helps you create your active holiday in Hemsedal. Try Via ferrata, river snorkeling with trout, horseback riding, dog sledding on wheels, rent a canoe and much more. Check for online booking.

B as in «beach» In Hemsedal you will find many beautiful swimming spots, whether you like the local beach og swimming in lakes and rivers. Check our tips on swimming spots here >>.

C as in «Cafe» Enjoy a coffee with a view. In the town centre Skogstad hotell and Hemsedal Cafe serves coffee. In the ski resort you can visit Lodgen Spiseri, Fjellkafeen, Skigaarden and Fýri Resort for a espresso, latte or what ever rocks your boat ;)

D as in «Dogsitting» Hemsedal Dyrehotell will look after your dog whilst you are enjoying activities in Hemsedal. The hotel offers separate rooms for your “fur baby” and
several walks during the day.

E as in «E-bike» Enjoy our beautiful mountains on an E-bike this summer. Rent yours at MOH Sport in town centre or at Concept Store in the ski resort. If you ride towards Vavatn and Hydalen you can enjoy a lunch with a view at Harahorn Hotel.

Hemsedal aktiv via ferratta 29
Via Ferrata
C94 A9882
E-mtb to the mountains
Bad sunfire
Hidden waterfalls

F as in «fall» Waterfalls to be exact. In Hemsedal you can’t go anywhere without seeing waterfalls. The two most known waterfalls are Hydnefossen, which you will see along RV52 towards Gol, and Rjukandefossen in Tuv, where you can also go for a swim further down the stream. See here>> for tips.

G as in «Gofalefse» A traditional type of sweet snack you enjoy to coffee in Hallingdal and something you must try while visiting the region. At Hemsedal Flatbrødsbakeri in Tuv you can enjoy the traditional snack with a coffee in their café Ein Smak Tå Hemsedal (A taste of Hemsedal).

H as in «Hook» If you enjoy fishing you have plenty of options in Hemsedal. The fishing license can be bought at the tourist office, the supermarkets and in the sports shops. Check out the fishing brochure for rules and regulations.

I as in «Ice Cream» Enjoy a soft ice or a scoop or two at the beach in town centre. Here you will also find a bouldering rock for climbing fun.

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Flow trail
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Hemsedal beach
C94 A2526
Mountain cart

J as in «Jonsstølane» The location for Stølsrock on July 9th. Here you can experience a concert with the most beautiful view as a bonus. Later in summer, on August 12-14th, Fauskivalen will add to musical entertainment in town by filling their stage with artists from all over.

K as in «Keep climbing» Mountain climbing, climbing park, climbing center? Rock climbing or bouldering? Climbing for the whole family or how about trying our via ferrata routes? You will find it all in Hemsedal. We even have several guides to show you the hidden gems.

L as in «Love to play» In Hemsedal we believe you never get too old for playing. Play grounds can be found by Alpin Lodge in the ski resort, down by the beach in town centre and by Hugnadheim we have a skatepark. The bike park Tottelia offers fun flow on your bike and in the climbing park Høyt & Lavt you can let your inner monkey loose.

M as in «Mountain Cart» If you are looking for a fun activity for families with older children and adults you should try Mountain Carts. This is a three wheeled cart with brakes that takes you down the slopes on a gravel road while the adrenalin is rushing through your body. Book at

20 fyri resort hemsedal pool club gallery food
Fyri Resort Pool Club
Skiresort 7 hemsedal NEB 10
Summer chair lift

N as in «New memories». A holiday in Hemsedal should be a lifelong memory and we strive to make your time in Hemsedal as memorable as possible, whether you are experiencing outdoor life for the first time or have life long traditions for spending your holidays in the mountains. Come by the tourist office for local tips.

O as in “Outdoor sleepover» Because the right to roam applies in Norway, we have plenty of options for sleeping outdoors. Pack your tent or hammock and find your favourite spot, men remember to respect the rules and leave nothing but foot prints. For camp grounds visit Elvely Camping and Fjellcamp.

P as in «Pool Club» Enjoy a warm summer day by the pool side, relax by the fire place or spoil yourself with a treatment before you enjoy a 3-course dinner in the
restaurant Liv

Q as in «Quiz» In town centre on the small island of Bruøyne you will find a quiz on the right to roam. To get to the island you can either use the zipline at Høyt&Lavt climbing park or cross the bridge by Peppes Pizza and follow the path to the island.

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R as in «Riding» Experience the mountains from the horses back, either on a riding camp, daytrips or hourly guiding. You can also choose to sit in a carriage while the horses slowly drag you through the landscape.

S as in «Silverstone» This is the name of the new flow trail in the ski resort. The trail opens this summer and is a part of the bike project in all of Hallingdal. Besides the tracks in Hemsedal, you will find more options in Ål, Gol, Nesbyen and Geilo. Check out

as in «Top20» Hemsedal offers many beautiful hikes and our Top20 programme is a popular activity. You can even buy a pin for every top you reach. At the tourist office in town centre, you can pick up a free hiking brochure and here you can also buy maps, souvenirs and top pins.

as in «Update your taste buds» At Tamt&Vilt you can try local meat and fish. The ingredients are prepared according to old recipes and traditional preservation
methods. You will find the products in the supermarkets and on the meny in some of the restaurants.

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Kanotur på fjellet
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V as in «Visit» We are happy that you visit Hemsedal on your holiday, but if you feel like discovering more of the region, we can recommend a day trip to the fjords. Visit the stave church in Borgund, be wowed on Flåmsbana or enjoy a coffee in Old Laerdal. In Hallingdal you can visit Flå Bear Park, Langedrag Nature Park, Tropicana Water Park in Gol or get a culture boost in Ål.

W as in «Weekend trip» Hemsedal is the perfect place for a city get away. Are you considering bringing your colleagues, the girl squad or the lads here, but need help coordinating activities, accommodation, catering etc. Contact Hemsedal Aktiv or ProHemsedal for an offer.

as in «Yawn!» One of the news for this summer is a quite spectacular accommodation experience. SkySleeping offers sleepovers in a portaledge tent attached to the mountain, read more on Not quite hooked on heights but want a spectacular sleepover? Get more tips here >>

Dyrja domes berry fire 2
Glamping at Dyrja Domes

X as in «X-factor» The view point by Hydalshjallen is considered the “Trolltunga” of Hemsedal. This is an easy trip, suitable for most people but don’t get too close to the edge whilst enjoying the view.

Z as in «Zzzzzz» For another spectacular sleepover check out Dyrja Domes. On the idyllic Torsetsiden you can spend the night with the sound of nature and with the
view towards Skogshorn and the mountains surrounding Hemsedal.

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Adventurous Skysleeping with Hemsedal Fjellsport

Holiday tips