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Daily open

Høyt & Lavt Climbing park


Climbing park in Hemsedal

953 A3938

Get an adrenalin rush when zipping over the river Hemsila into our new climbing park. The park is situated in the town center of Hemsedal by the sport store MOH+ Sport.

The climbing park is accessible for all ages and it is a 12.5 m high climbing tower where you can take the zipline in to the park.

  • 7 Tracks
  • 60 obstacles
  • 9 Ziplines
  • 2 Climbing walls
  • 1 Quickjump

You find the reception in center of Hemsedal at the basement to Hemsedal Cafe. From here you walk over the bridge to Bruøyne and the start og Hig & Low Climbing Park.

Book online at


Opening hours 2024

Juni 22. - Oktober 6.

Every day from kl. 10.00 - 17.15

Exception week 34 - 39

Closed: Monday - Friday

Open: Saturday - Sunday fra kl. 10.00 - 16.15

Opening hours 2024

June 22. - Oktober 6.

Every day - except Monday - Friday from week 34 - 39

HL Logo Hemsedal CMYK NEG 2


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