a beautiful view-point over Hydalen

Hydalshjallen is a look out spot and one of Hemsedals secret gems. There is no clearly marked path that leads all the way to the top, but it is still possible to find it. The name Hydalshjallen is the name of the top behind the look out, and the hike begins at the other side (north side) of the lake Vavatn. Parking can be done at the same place as the Top 20-hike Ranastøngji. The hike begins right before the last turn to the parking spot, so that you will have to walk a few hundred meters back again. Toll road is payed online on https://passpay.no/
The hike is considered as easy, and is therefore suitable for most people. You follow a path at the beginning, and further you will pass a little stream and a area of stones before you eventually reach the top. Check out the Instagram #hydalshjallen - Map to Hydalshjallen
Wish you a nice trip!