Take the car
to Hemsedal

Are you travelling to Hemsedal by car, please use Google maps for directions.
For information about mountain passes and traffic, please see vegvesen.no or call 175.
The mountain pass along the main road 52 from Hemsedal to Lærdal (Western Norway) is called "Hemsedalsfjellet".
Route descriptions to Hemsedal
Oslo to Hemsedal
200 km, driving time approx. three hours.
Coming out of Oslo, follow the E18 towards Drammen and Sandvika for approx. 10 km. Come off at Sandvika and then follow the E16 towards Hønefoss for approx. 45 km/45 min. At the roundabout, take the exit towards highway (Rv) 7 and Gol. Follow highway 7 to Gol, approx. 110 km/90 min. Take a right straight after Gol, onto highway (Rv) 52 towards Hemsedal. Follow highway 52 to Hemsedal, approx. 30 km.
Bergen to Hemsedal
280 km, driving time approx. four hours.
Coming out of Bergen, follow the E16 to Lærdal and then onwards to Borlaug, approx. 230 km from Bergen. At Borlaug, exit towards Hemsedal and follow highway (Rv) 52 over the mountain pass, approx. 50 km. In the winter, always check and be aware of the weather conditions.
Oslo Gardemoen Airport to Hemsedal
210 km, driving time approx 3 hours.
From the airport, take E16 towards Hønefoss. After approx 70 km/ 1 hour, at a roundabout outside Hønefoss, exit onto highway (Rv) 7 to Gol. Straight after Gol, take highway (Rv)52 towards Hemsedal.
Sandefjord Airport Torp to Hemsedal
278 km, driving time approx. 4 hours.
Drive onto E18 and drive towards Drammen, approx. 75 km.
Take exit 25 towards Haugesund / Kongsberg. Follow E134 for approx. 10 km. Exit onto road (Fv) 283, cross the river and the road bends left. Follow Fv 283 straight through Hokksund where it becomes and highway (Rv) 35. After Vikersund, conyinue straight onto highway (Rv) 280 towards Noresund and Ørgenvika. When meeting highway (Rv) 7, take a left towards Gol, and from there highway (Rv) 52 to Hemsedal.
To SkiStar/Hemsedal Ski Resort and key collection at Mountain village/SkiStar Lodge Hemsedal, Fýri Resort, Skarsnuten Hotel and Skigaarden
Coming from east/Oslo, drive through Hemsedal town centre and continue approx. 2 km. Take a left over the bridge next to the sign for Hemsedal Ski Resort. If you’re going to the ski slope, go straight ahead after the bridge. To collect keys from SkiStar, follow signs to Mountain Village /check-in 71 or SkiStar Loge Hemsedal/check-in 70, depending on where you’re staying. Check your booking confirmation to find out where to collect your key.
For Fýri Resort, go straight after the bridge and turn left at the sign for Fyri. For Skarsnuten Hotel and Skigaarden, take a right straight after the bridge.
Information about parking in Hemsedal Ski Resort, see skistar.com. For other areas, check your booking or contact the place you are staying to get info on parking.
If you are staying up in Holdeskaret (mountain along/above the ski resort), check your booking if the toll road is included and that your registration plate is registered. If not, you pay at youpark.no.
Driving distances to Hemsedal
Hemsedal - Oslo 200 km
Hemsedal - Oslo Airport Gardermoen 210 km
Hemsedal - Larvik 290 km
Hemsedal - Bergen 280 km
Hemsedal - Fagernes/Leirin Airport 80 km
Hemsedal - Gothenburg 490 km
Hemsedal - Karlstad 420 km
Hemsedal - Stockholm 730 km
Hemsedal - Helsingborg 720 km
Hemsedal - Malmö 770 km
Use winter tires
We recommend that all visitors with cars use winter tires or studded tires, during winter time. For guests staying in Holdeskaret/Skarsnuten/Skigaarden/Veslestølen, we also recommend bringing snow chains (car chains).
The roads will be gritted from Oslo and to Ulsåk before Hemsedal town centre, but in the event of heavy snowfall and low temperatures, there may still be snow and ice on the roads. Adjust your speed for the conditions, and also remember to watch out for moose.
GPS coordinates for Mountain Village/check-in 71
Latitude: 60oN 51 59'
Longitude: 8oE 31 09'
GPS coordinates for SkiStar Lodge Hemsedal/check-in 70
Latitude: 60oN 51 75'
Longitude: 8oE 30 96'