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We are getting ready for a new season and with this we want to invite all new and old seasonal staff to Hemsedalsviku. This is a "week" where you can try out some of our activities, get deals at the restaurants and join in on information meetings so that you, as seasonal staff get to know Hemsedal. So what's in this for you? You'll get to know more about Hemsedal so that you can give our guests the best service they deserve!
By: Destination Hemsedal
5 min
Updated 16 December 2022


Finally, the time is here for the annual Hemsedalsviku, Dec 18th-22nd.

Destination Hemsedal and all our member companies welcome you to Hemsedalsviku, an event for everyone who works within tourism in Hemsedal.

Hemsedalsviku starts with Kick Off at Stavkroa on Sunday 18 December at 18.00 for all employees within tourism in Hemsedal.
At the kick off, there will be presentations and information about Hemsedal, happenings for seasonal worker and serving of snacks and drinks. This is a social gathering that will be followed by a classic "Bransjekveld" (seasonal staff party) at 10 pm at Elgen.

Registration for viku and kick off at Stavkroa
Either you register yourself or your company registers you, check with your manager. YOU must register yourself for activities and make reservations at restaurants as well as skiing and ski school.

Registration is via a form which you will find here on this page or directly at the company, please see activity program. TIPS: Join the event Hemsedalsviku in the Facebook group Sesongarbeidere i Hemsedal (seasonal staff in Hemsedal).

Participation in the week is FREE for employees. There might be a fee for some activities and of course you have to pay for your restaurant visits. But there will be great discounts and some activities are free. See program below for more info.

Importent info
The registration entitles you to a Hemsedalsviku wristband, that gives you a discount at the restaurants and access to all activities that take place during the week. To get a discount at the restaurants, it is important that you have your band on you and that you say you come from Hemsedalsviku and at some restaurants they want you to book a table in advance. Without a band, you cannot participate in activities and do not receive discounts. You'll get the wristband at Stavkroa or at the Tourist office.

Program for activities Sunday Dec. 18th - Thursday Dec. 22nd 2022

OBS. The program can be updated with more activites. To secure a spot, remember to book an activity if needed, state that you are at Hemsedalsviku and show the bracelet that you receive from us.

Sunday, December 18:

9.30am-3pm -Solheisen ski center - Grøndalen - Ski for free at Solheisen ski center - Registration via Google form

6pm - Kick Off at Stavkroa - Welcome to Hemsedal - all info in English
- Welcome to Hemsedal by the Mayor
- Information about Hemsedal by Tourist Manager Richard Taraldsen
- Motivational speach by Pål Medhus
- Information from SkiStar with Destination Manager Andreas Smith Erichsen
- Information from the Seasonal staff group at Selma Söderberg
- Mingling, snacks and drinks

Monday, December 19:

Hemsedal Ski resort - SkiStar Hemsedal - open every day at 9.00-15.30
- Free ski pass 1x day pass during the week at SkiStar Hemsedal - Picked up at the reception at Alpin Lodge - Registration via Google form
- Free ski school with SkiStar SkiSchool. Monday, Dec. 19 at 13.15-14.45 - Registration via Google form. Minimum three registered, limited number of places.
- Free 1 day ski rental during the week - at SkiStar, Pick up at SkiStar Lodge - Registration via Google form

10am-4pm - Free training at Helselaben gym - registration via Google form
10am-1pm - Fyri Pool Club 50% discount, booking in reception
1.15pm - Ski school with SkiStar SkiSchool - Free - registration via Google form - last day to register is Thursday Dec. 15th
10am & 1pm - Dog sledding NOK 600 / person - - Booking code HV

Tuesday, December 20:

Hemsedal Ski resort - SkiStar Hemsedal - open every day at 9.00-15.30
- Free ski pass 1x day pass during the week at SkiStar Hemsedal - Picked up at the reception at Alpin Lodge - Registration via Google form
- Free 1 day ski rental during the week - at SkiStar, Pick up at SkiStar Lodge - Registration via Google form

10am & 1pm - Dog sledding NOK 600 / person - - Booking code HV
10am-1pm - Fyri Pool Club 50% discount - drop in and payment in reception
10am-4pm - Free training at Helselaben gym - registration via Google form


In addition to 50% on all food in the main restaurant all day, Skarsnuten Hotel offers:

Free entry to the spa - MUST be booked via
Slots (max 50 per slot)

1pm - Cinema: Join us for a movie to learn more about Hemsedal - Registration via Google form

Remember that the Skibuss takes you up to Skarsnuten.

Wednesday, December 21:

Hemsedal Ski resort - SkiStar Hemsedal - open every day at 9.00-15.30
- Free ski pass 1x day pass during the week at SkiStar Hemsedal - Picked up at the reception at Alpin Lodge - Registration via Google form
- Free 1 day ski rental during the week - at SkiStar, Pick up at SkiStar Lodge - Registration via Google form

10am-1pm - Fyri Pool Club 50% discount, drop in and payment in reception
10am - Get to know Hemsedal - Guided bus tour around Hemsedal with Destination Hemsedal and Hemsedal Turbusser- Registration via Google form
6pm - Slow Flow with Yoga Hemsedal - Free, max 8 spaces - Registration via Google form

Thursday, December 22:

Hemsedal Ski resort - SkiStar Hemsedal - open every day at 9.00-15.30
- Free ski pass 1x day pass during the week at SkiStar Hemsedal - Picked up at the reception at Alpin Lodge - Registration via Google form
- Free 1 day ski rental during the week - at SkiStar, Pick up at SkiStar Lodge - Registration via Google form

10 am - Free training at Åreknuten gym, max 8 pers - registration via Google form
8pm-21pm - Hemsedal climbing center - Free - No reservation needed
7-9pm Trøimshallen (sports arena) is open for activity. Here you can play football, volleyball, badminton etc. Registration via Google form

Stay overnight at Fyri Resort

Try the beds at Fyri Resort - Book a night at Fyri Resort on December 18, 19 or 20th. Get a 50% discount with booking code HV2022.


Registration for Kick Off is done via your manager or directly in this Google form. Last day for registration is Thursday Dec. 15th.

Registration for activities you do yourself via Google form, or directly with the businesses. The last day for registration may be different for different activities.

953 A4494
Thomas from Stavkroa & Hemsedal cafe. Photo: Kalle Hägglund

Try the restaurants and get 30% or special offers

To secure a place, remember to book a table and say that you are at Hemsedalsviku and show the Hemsedalsviku wristband that you get from us.

18. Dec. - Sunday
Hollvin Restaurant & Bar open 10am-3.30pm
Solstua in Solheisen - open 12-3pm - Burgerdeal

19. Dec. - Monday
Arti Kafe
open 10am-4pm Optional coffee / tea and bun or waffle or other cake for 50, -
open 10am-4pm
open 11am-4pm

20. Dec. - Tuesday
Arti Kafe open 10am-4pm Optional coffee / tea and bun or waffle or other cake for 50, -
Skigaarden open 12-9pm
Skarsnuten Hotel
whole day - 50% off the menu at main restaurant

21. Dec. - Wednesday
Arti Kafe open 10am-4pm Optional coffee / tea and bun or waffle or other cake for 50, -
Hemsedal Cafe
open 2-9pm
Hollvin Restaurant & Bar open 10am-3.30pm
Lodgen spiseri
open 10am-4pm
open 12-9pm
open 10am-4pm
Tapas Club - 5-10pm

22. Dec. - Thursday
Arti Kafe open 10am-4pm Optional coffee / tea and bun or waffle or other cake for 50, -
Hemsedal Cafe open 2-9pm
Lodgen spiseri open 10am-4pm
O’Learys open 12-9pm
Skistua open 10am-4pm
Tapas Club - 5-10pm

This week is a unique opportunity for you as a seasonal employee in Hemsedal to get to know other seasonal staff, other companies in Hemsedal as well as get to know the village you will live in during the winter season and hopefully even longer.

In order to create a fantastic experience for our guests, it is important that we who work and meet the guests can help them in the best possible way. During "viku", you will get to know Hemsedal and many of our offerings.

We who love Hemsedal know that life is too short to sit inside. When the powder alarm goes off, the sun shines and the mountains entice - then everything else is unimportant. Then we meet in Hemsedal
Pudder skog icesand 2 KH
Powder skiing. photo: Kalle Hägglund

Winter activities