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Fri-Sun + daily in holidays

Solheisen ski center
skiing & events

IMG 0324
953 A8931
Solheisen 9
779fff18 4db5 4c7d b05e e19e1f514827
Grøndalen February 2021 Kyle Meyr LR0012

The season 2023-24 kicks off on Saturday Dec 8th. The regular season runs until April 28th. Additionally, we are planning some special events, including spring skiing in May.

In addition to delightful skiing on beautiful slopes, exciting snow parks, and a charming children's area, there are plenty of fun activities throughout the season. Check out our event calendar.


Opening hours

Dec 8th to Feb 12th
Fri, Sat & Sun 09:30 - 15:30

Feb 17th - end of season
Fri, Sat & Sun 09:30 – 16:00

Daily in holidays

Christmas (22.12.23 - 31.12.23) 09:30 - 15:30*
*Christmas Eve (24.12.23) 10:00 - 12:00

Winter break (16.02.23 - 03.03.23) 09:30 - 16:00

Easter (22.03.24 - 02.04.24) 09:30 - 16:00

More details at

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