Safety in the bike trails

If we all follow some ground rules while biking in the trails, we can all have a safe and fun experience
11 July 2023
Rules for biking in Hemsedal:
- Biking is at your own risk. Choose routes that fit your level and fitness. Help others if they have hurt themselves or need help otherwise.
- Be considerate to others.
Reduse your speed when your are passing hikers or other bikers. Make them aware that you need to pass. If you are passing from behind it is your duty to give way. Be special aware of crossings. - Adjust the speed.
Make sure you are able to stop if you meet unforeseen obstacles in the trail. Remember the substrate changes due to the weather. - Don't make unnecessary stops in the tracks. Look behind you and move out of the way for others. Don't stop in steep hills, turns or jumps.
- Show respect for nature and wildlife. Don't leave rubbish. "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints".
Biking in the bike park:
- It is the bikers responsibility to know and follow the rules.
Follow the signs and instructions for usage of the chair lift and biking. Violation of the rules may cause confiscation of lift pass. - Helmet is mandatory while biking.
Recommended protective equipment (besides helmet) is protection for back, knees and elbows, and gloves. - Intoxicated people will be expelled.
Alcohol and narcotics destroys judgement and performance, something that increases the risk for everybody enjoying the mountains. - The lift pass is personal.
Persons who tries to use the lift with another persons pass will have the pass confiscated. - The biker is responsible for its surroundings.
It is the bikers responsibily to avoid damage to other people, lifts and property.
Common sense in biking
To be able to enjoy trails are not a human right, but a privilege. Follow NOTS (Norwegian Organisation for Mountain Biking) guidelines for common sense while biking:
- Be considerate and helpful when you meet hikers.
- As a biker you always have the duty to give way for hikers.
- Limit your speed so that you do not harm or disadvantage others, especially along roads and trails where speed increases easily, or in unclear areas..
- Slow down before you pass others on a narrow path.
- Do not make new tracks. If you do not have the skills to avoid an obstacle, get off the bike and walk pass it.
- Avoid biking in vulnerable areas after rain.
- Do not make the trail wider by biking around puddles and obstacles.
- Carry the bike through marshlands to avoid making deep tracks.
- Do not use back break in steep trails.
- If two bikers meet in a hill, the biker going down hill have the duty to give way.
BIKE PATROL - TLF. +47 97 54 41 29
Silverstone & Tottelia Bike Park

More about biking
Guiding and service
Biking initiative
Biking is at your own risk. Choose routes that suit your level and training.