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Utdrikningslag i Hemsedal

Hemsedal aktiv via ferratta 29

Bachelor Party should be fun and maybe a little challenging for the bride/groom. Hemsedal has many exciting activities you can try out, and we can help you all the way to make it as good as possible.

STL lvesnorkling Hemsila 27

Bachelor party in Hemsedal

If you are going to a organize a bachelor party, you will often faced a number of challenges regarding to what shall you do, activities that fit all participants and a budget.

To make it easier we can help you to arrange this awsome Bacelor Party. We can suggest different activities, food, transport and accomodation if you need that.

Here are some suggested activities:
* Activities in climbing tower incl. Abseiling, climbing and diving post
* Snowmobiling
* Dogsledding
* Climbing the mountain or Via Ferrata
* Sledding and Après-ski
* Slalom Competitions
* Spa treatments and massage
* Iceskating
* Mountaineering / off-piste skiing with guide
* Wine tasting
* Down-hill cycling
* Mountain Cart


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