Buaklanten in Holdeskaret - Hiking trail
A nice and easy stroll in the mountains to a restored stone cottage. Perfect for bringing your children, or parents, on their first day walking in the mountains.
A perfect hike to see the Norwegian high-mountain landscape with your family.
The hike follows a gravel path through lakes and swamps from the parking. After walking on the gravel road for 1km, you follow the marked bath to Buaklanten. You could bring your bike along on this road as well, and if it's a terrain bike you would be able to bike the whole way to the stone cabin.
In the surrounding area, there are multiple paths and gravel roads to follow to make it a day trip to the mountains. Bring a BBQ and have a nice lunch while the kids roam around hunting for berries (during fall) or lemmen (when it's a lemmen year). Keep your eyes peeled for rabbits, deer and birds of prey from the mountains around.
To get to the road you have to pay a road toll as well as pay for parking so we recommend to only take one car up, if not it could get expensive.
Author's advice
During fall this area is known for blueberries and cloudberries so bring a berry picker and make it a day trip!
Turn-by-turn directions
Turen starter fra Holdeskaret parkering og derifra følger du en grusvei. Etter ca 1km følger du markert fin sti til Buaklanten. Stien har noen passeringer over små bekkerenn. Du følger samme sti tilbake til parkeringen (alt. følg en av de andre steine nedover, som avslutter omtrent på samme plass).
Safety information
During Lemmen years the water is not safe to drink.
Follow Rv 52 towards the west for 2 km and turn off at Hemsedal Ski resort. Take the first right after the bridge. After Alpin Lodge drive through the toll (you get a receipt on youpark.no) and continue the road up for about 6.5 m from the main road you find a large parking lot called Holdeskaret on the left-hand side.
Parking at Holdeskaret.