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Engaging, inspiring, and entertaining

Thomas Lone i rollen som konferansier på Fyri Hotell
Hemsedal byr på en unik og fantastisk scene, både ute- og innendørs!
Thomas Lone holdt åpningsforedrag på Startup Xtreme i 2023
Thomas tilbyr både kurs og aktiviteter med utgangspunkt i Hemsedal
Thomas Lone som konferansier eller foredragsholder er en underholdene og lærerik opplevelse!

As a speaker and adventurer, I am ready to tailor your program and create memorable experiences for the audience. My focus is to make those who are presenting shine!

As a host, I work diligently both before and during your event to ensure a smooth flow from start to finish.

I strive to get to know you well in advance so that I can create a cohesive narrative and ensure that my contributions enhance those presenting on stage in the best possible way.

If you're curious about how I can assist you, feel free to reach out for a no-obligation chat. Looking forward to talking!


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