World Cheese

Himmelspannet with SUPER GOLD in the World Cheese Awards 2022, Hemsedal has world-class cheeses!
By: Katarina
07 November 2022
Himmelspannet won Supergold for the cheese Raudberg, and silver for the cheese Solglad in this year's World Cheese Awards.
This year, the World Cheese Awards were held in Wales, where approx. 4,400 cheeses from all over the world competed to become the world's best cheese. Hemsedal's own cheese factory, Himmelspannet, participated with two cheeses and the cheese Raudberg won super gold.What is super gold, you may wonder?
- The 4,400 cheeses that were included in this year's WCA are distributed over 98 tables with approx. 50 cheeses on each table.
- 2-3 judges will taste, prize and distribute medals on each table, bronze, silver and gold.
- The judges will pick one cheese from each table, and it goes through to the final. This cheese is awarded Supergold, and is the winner of the table. It is from among these 98 cheeses (SUPER GOLD winners) that the world champion is selected, which this year came from Switzerland.
We congratulate Himmelspannet with super gold and silver for two of its cheeses, incredibly large for the tiny cheese factory in Hemsedal.
You can find the cheeses in most grocery stores in Hallingdal, Meny and specialist shops selling cheese.

Raudberg, Solglag og Skogshorn

Ysteriet i Hemsedal