Fjellstølatn to Hølsteinstølen - Hiking trail
A simple and beautiful hiking trail that goes from Fjellstølatn to Hølsteinstølen. From this hike, there are many trails on which you can continue your adventure in Hemsedal.
This is a great easy trip that starts at 1,000 meters above sea level in the old summer farm area of Fjellstølatn.
You follow the gravel road into the cabin area and here you see markings for Hølstein and Kvitingatn, which are included in the Hemsedal Topp20.
After each, you arrive at Hølsteinåne, where you cross the bridge and then follow the river up into the mountain home.
The tour ends at Hølsteinstølen, but you have many opportunities to make this the start of a longer tour.
You can follow paths that go to Hulbak and Synesvaret.
You can also continue on the path that goes to the center of Hemsedal and arrives at the Topp20 peak Steget. The paths are not always marked here, but follow the map so you get to the right place.
It is also possible to follow the paths further into the valley towards Harahorn and go around the Topp20 peak Harahorn itself or follow the path all the way down to the end of Hydalen and from there continue towards Lægret and the Topp20 peak Skogshorn and Lykkja.
It is also possible to find your own path and walk over the mountains towards Trøimsbotten.
Author's advice
A fantastic high mountain area where you can, if you are lucky, see reindeers grazing.
Turn-by-turn directions
Du følger grusveien inn i hytteområdet og her ser du merking mot Hølstein og Kvitingatn som er med på Hemsedal Topp20. Etter hver kommer du frem til Hølsteinåne, der du går over brua og sen følger åne oppover og inn i fjellheimen. Turen slutter ved Hølsteinstølen, men du har mange muligheter til å gjøre dette til starten på en lenger tur.
Bring a pack with some water and snack. Remember to bring more food and a map if you are continuing your trip further into the mountains.
Safety information
The path to Holsteinstølen is well marked, but goes through some marshland and it can be wet if there has been a lot of rainfall or it is early in the season.
The other paths that go out from Hølstein are not included in our marked paths and you go at your own risk and must remember to bring a map and compass and calculate the time spent yourself.
From Highway 52 take off towards Grøndalen. Follow the road until Solheisen ski resort, then take right to Vavatn and Harahorn.
Parking by Fjellstølatn. Parking lot by the road.