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Hemsedal Møbler - Furniture


We offer furniture, interior articles as well as customized furnishing for your cabin, house or apartment. You'll find us next to the tourist office.


Hemsedal Møbler - Furniture

We offer furniture, interior articles as well as customised furnishing for your cabin, house or apartment.

At the 2nd floor we have furniture and in the 1st floor you can find lamps, gifts, pillows and blankets, interiors, fabrics, curtain department, candles, jewelry, bedding, mattresses, quilts, blankets, leather jackets, sheep and goat skins and much more.

See you, Liv Karin, Hilde and Terje.


Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 10:00-17.00
Friday - Saturday: 10.00-18.00
Sunday: Closed

We accepts customers by appointment.

Call for:

+47 907 44 444, Liv Karin

+47 907 55 555, Terje

+47 320 55 555, Shop

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