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Hemsedal has started the work to be certified as a Sustainable destination, together with all the destinations in Hallingdal
5 min
Updated 23 September 2024

We are on of many Norwegian destinations that have an extra focus on taking good care of both the environment, the surroundings, their distinctive culture and you who visit us!

Tourism has many positive aspects, but also presents challenges. Do you want to travel to a unique place that both makes it possible for your environmental footprint to be as minimal as possible, and for you to have the most authentic experience possible? And who also takes responsibility for ensuring that both those who live there and visitors have an extra good time? Then we recommend visiting a destination with a focus on more sustainable development. In this way, you help to support both local communities and cultural heritage.

Experience history and culture

Hemsedal's history and cultural heritage are important to us, by preserving this we are also looking after the unique local community that surrounds us. We want to give you insight and the experience of our authentic cultural heritage, traditions and distinctive character. Then we are confident that your experience with us will be extra special and educational.

Environmental lighthouse

An Environmental Lighthouse-certified business is obliged to work purposefully to improve its environmental performance in the areas of working environment, waste management, energy use, procurement and transport. Miljøfyrtårn has adapted criteria for different industries and the certificate is awarded after an independent assessment. To ensure continuous improvement, all Environmental Lighthouse businesses must be recertified every three years. Hemsedal has been an Environmental Lighthouse since 2014 and 15 companies in Hemsedal are also certified.

Travel Green

"Gresstusten"/Reis Grønt symbolizes that the product has an official environmental certification and sends you to greener products. The symbol helps you find environmentally certified activities and accommodation when planning your trip to Norway. When you see a piece of grass on Visit Norway's pages, you know that the operator behind it takes active environmental responsibility.

The certifications that fall under "Travel green" are Norwegian Ecotourism, the Swan, Environmental Lighthouse, ISO 14001, Green Key and Blue Flag. Individually and collectively, they guarantee that the branded experiences follow strict rules and guidelines for the production and handling of waste, energy consumption, transport, requirements for subcontractors and the use of chemicals. The measures go beyond what Norwegian law requires.

Sustainable Travel Destination

If you choose to travel to a sustainable destination, you are helping to take care of our historical and cultural heritage while supporting local communities, traditions, nature and the environment. You are warmly welcomed by the place's hosts, who are also happy to serve you local food that has been harvested, produced and prepared in the immediate area.

However, the label does not mean that a destination is 100 per cent sustainable in all areas, but that they are in a long-term process. The travel destinations are evaluated every three years.

Hemsedal and Hallingdal are in the process of certification as sustainable destinations.

Hemsedal og destinasjonene i Hallingdal er i gang med sertifisering som bærekraftig reisemål.
Milj fyrta èrn norsk farger RGB

Miljøfyrtårn - Eco Lighthouse certified

An Environmental Lighthouse-certified business is obliged to work purposefully to improve its environmental performance in the areas of working environment, waste management, energy use, procurement and transport. Miljøfyrtårn has adapted criteria for different industries and the certificate is awarded after an independent assessment. To ensure continuous improvement, all Environmental Lighthouse businesses must be recertified every three years. Hemsedal has been an Eco-Lighthouse since 2014 and several businesses in Hemsedal are also Eco-Lighthouse certified.

See all companies that are environmentally certified.

Reis Gr nt Logo Farge CMYK

Travel Green

"Gresstusten"/Reis Grønt symbolizes that the product has an official environmental certification and sends you to greener products. The symbol helps you find environmentally certified activities and accommodation on visitnorway's pages, when you plan your trip to Norway. When you see a piece of grass on Visit Norway's pages, you know that the operator behind it takes active environmental responsibility.

The certifications that fall under "Travel green" are Norwegian Ecotourism, the Swan, Environmental Lighthouse, ISO 14001, Green Key and Blue Flag. Individually and collectively, they guarantee that the branded experiences follow strict rules and guidelines for the production and handling of waste, energy consumption, transport, requirements for subcontractors and the use of chemicals. The measures go beyond what Norwegian law requires.

Bærekraftig Reisemmål Logo Farge CMYK
Bærekraftig reisemål

10 principles for sustainable tourism

These 10 principles guide our work for sustainability in tourism.

Conservation of nature, culture and environment

Cultural wealth

To respect, further develop and highlight the local community's historical cultural heritage, authentic culture, traditions and distinctive features.

The physical and visual integrity of the landscape

To preserve and further develop landscape quality, both for the city and rural areas, so that the landscape's physical and visual integrity is not degraded.


To support the conservation of natural areas, wildlife and habitats, and minimize their destruction.

Clean environment and resource efficiency

To minimize tourism companies' and tourists' pollution of air, water and land (including noise), as well as to minimize their generation of waste and consumption of scarce and non-renewable resources.

Local quality of life and social values

To preserve and strengthen the quality of life in the local community, including social structures, access to resources, facilities and common goods for all, as well as avoiding any form of social degradation and exploitation.

Local control and involvement

To engage and empower the local community and local stakeholders in terms of planning, decision-making and development of local tourism.

Job quality for tourism employees

To strengthen the quality of tourism jobs (direct and indirect), including pay levels and working conditions without discrimination based on gender, race, disability or other factors.

Guest satisfaction, security and quality of experience

To provide safe, satisfying and enriching experiences for all tourists regardless of gender, race, disability or other factors.

Economically viable and competitive tourism destinations through local value creation

To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism destinations in a long-term perspective, by maximizing tourism's value creation in the local community, including what the tourists leave of value locally.

Economically viable and competitive tourism businesses

To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism businesses in a long-term perspective.